Greater Social Cohesion Through Economic Opportunity is the Long-Term Solution to Burkina Faso’s Instability


Burkina Faso’s government has been fighting militants, “hooligans” and other armed groups for years.   It’s been supported by the US, France and others.  

To date, this armed approach has not proven sufficient.    

Part of the reason is it doesn’t address the reasons young men—and it is primarily young men—join armed groups.  

Ideology is a factor.  But more often than not, economics play a large role.   For many young men, fighting—and often stealing from families whose villages they raid—provides better financial opportunities than the alternatives, especially those found in isolated rural villages. 

A program in the Bani area seeks to counter that.   It brings together local leaders, those who have been displaced by violence and non-governmental development organizations.   Together, these community members identify economic and other projects to diversify and increase incomes and otherwise provide greater opportunities and promote social cohesion.   

These projects are low-cost, relying on minimal investment and intense training.  They are built around savings and credit groups to amass capital for investment.   Members deposit small amounts each month.  When enough capital is amassed, members take out small loans at low interest.  

Loans are used to invest in beehives to produce honey; materials to build pens for livestock; vaccines to ensure healthier livestock that can gain more weight and be sold for greater revenue; superior chicken breeds; higher-yielding, drought-resistant seeds and organic farming techniques to lower input costs; small business ventures; and more.  

A portion of profits from these ventures are deposited in the savings and credit groups, along with regular monthly amounts.   These groups can amass thousands of dollars to loan members.    Managing them, along with the training to do so, in itself promotes social cohesion.  Even more important, the existence of capital for investment and useful training provides village residents—including young men–with real opportunities to improve their lives.   

Long term, this is what’s necessary to diminish the number of recruits for the varied armed groups that destabilize Burkina Faso and reinforce its poverty.