Government to reclaim 1 M acres in Upper Egypt

Government to reclaim 1 M acres in Upper Egypt

The government of Egypt is set to reclaim one million feddans (one feddan is equal to 1.03 acres) in Upper Egypt. The Ministry of Agriculture Mohamed Al-Qarsh made the announcement and said the new project would be developed and quipped with modernize irrigation systems to increase the agricultural area and land productivity, he told Kalemat Ser (A Secret Word) talk show on Sada El-Balad T.V.

He added that a new reclaimed farm was established in western Minya governorate, UpperEgypt. The government targets reclamation more than 4 million feddans nationwide, he said. Governor of South Sinai Khaled Fouda stated that the total area of cultivated land in the desert governorate has reached 31,000 feddans.

New Delta project

A report released in July by the Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation revealed that the state has spent hundreds of billions of pounds on the infrastructure, with the major New Delta project coming atop.

The project aims to develop 2.2 million acres, which represents 30 percent of the old Delta, and is a major leap for the new republic. The report indicated that the area targeted for cultivation is one million feddans at a cost of about 300 billion pounds, and the rest of the area are integrated projects rely on groundwater and treated agricultural drainage water to confront the problem of water poverty.