Global collaboration in the palm of your hand


Investment in technology is crucial in the world of animal breeding. New and innovative tools in data collection and analysis ensures that we can deliver enhanced performance in every new generation in a sustainable way. But, we realize that the opportunities for technological advancement can extend far beyond breeding technology.

The way we work with customers in technical support and the methods of collecting and analyzing customer data can be streamlined and enhanced with the use of technological tools. Even before managing the realities of Covid-19, we’ve been investigating the possibility of taking existing technology and tailoring them for the needs of our customers. The use of mixed reality technology and customer-facing apps are two areas we have made some recent exciting advancements.

The endless potential of mixed reality technology

Mixed and augmented reality products offer great potential in connecting people from all over the world. The Microsoft HoloLens 2 was tested for several use cases within Hendrix Genetics. These wearable computer glasses offer the possibility to add information to what the wearer sees. The main benefit of mixed reality smart glasses is that the wearer has its hands-free to perform tasks. One successful application was within our swine business for boar selections. In the past, this process would have involved an expert traveling to the nucleus farm. Now, with the use of augmented reality, the whole process can be completed in an hour, saving time, money, and resources. Not only that, but biosecurity concerns are lowered with this new technology allowing decisions to be made remotely. Use of this kind of technology has exciting implications for sustainability including food safety and reducing our carbon footprint.

Customer facing apps pave the way forward

The development of three customer facing apps for our swine, laying hen, and turkey clients is another recent advancement. All Hendrix Genetics apps have been developed on the same platform. This paves the way for future efficiencies in enhancing and improving features in the apps. Additionally, each app has been designed with confidentiality in mind so that submitted results and questions are always kept secure. All Hendrix Genetics apps have their own specialty in creating value for our customers including customer support and data collection and insights.

Customer Support

Swine Support App

With the newly developed Swine Support App, our goal is to connect with customers by providing fast responses to any number of management related questions.

The app has been designed to connect our customers with our team of global experts. Customers can ask questions (in multiple languages) and include pictures and video. The result is a quick, accurate, and personalized response from our global technical service experts.

This app is available to our customers around the world, and with this increased connection, we aim to improve customer satisfaction. Swine Support also increases the reach and efficient of our technical experts, all without biosecurity risks and a lower carbon footprint.

The Swine Support app is now available for download in the App Store and Google Play. The app can be used on a smartphone or tablet, even while walking through the barn. It is just one part of Hypor’s broader goal of contributing to a more sustainable pork chain.
