Ghana to earn US $16bn annually from the tree crop industry

Ghana to earn US $16bn annually from the tree crop industry

Ministry of Food and Agriculture in Ghana (MoFA) is projecting to earn US $16 billion annually revenue from the tree crop industry.

Acting Manager of Wenchi Agricultural Research Station, Emmanuel Owusu-Poku, announced the prediction and said that, government through MoFA is actively putting measures in place to ensure the growth and development of the tree crop sector through the operations of the Tree Crop Development Authority (TCDA).

“The tree crops industry has great economic potentials, hence MoFA’s commitment to collaborate with all partners and actors along the value chain to develop the sector,” said Emmanuel.

Mr. Owusu-Poku was delivering an address on behalf of the Directorate of Crop Services at MoFA during the inauguration of the National Association of Private Tree Crop Nursery Operators at Wenchi in the Bono region.

Private tree crop nursery

The association provides a platform for registered private tree crop nursery operators to participate and benefit from national policies and advocacy discussions on tree crop development. It further offers the needed atmosphere for effective collaboration with value chain actors for the sustainable development of the tree crop sector in Ghana.

Mr. Owusu-Poku urged the nursery operators to be mindful of the quality of planting materials they produce and deliver to farmers.

“As you are aware, the quality of the inputs determines the quality of output so let us adhere to all the necessary nursery management practices to produce quality planting materials,” he added.

A Tree Crop and Environment Specialist with Mennonite Economic Development Association (MEDA), Ernest Adzim, stated that the potential for tree crops to contribute to the eradication of rural poverty and development of Ghana’s economy is enormous. This, according to him, is a call to action for all to get on board as the industry is being developed.

“Since March 2020, MEDA has been running a mobile-based training program for farmers on good agricultural practices, environmental protection, farm business management and the need for increased women participation in tree crop farming through Farmers’ Economic Advancement through Seedlings (FEATS) project,” Mr. Adzim explained.