EIMA “Digital”, the 4.0 showcase

Eima digital 2021

The market for advanced electronics for agriculture has grown fivefold in the last four years and is set to increase even more thanks also to the system of incentives for the digital transition. The EIMA Digital exhibition as part of the 44th EIMA International (October 19-23, 2021) showcases the most innovative technologies and offers a programme of events on the subject produced in collaboration with universities and the AEF world association.

Digital technologies for agriculture 4.0 are at the centre of EIMA International 2021, the world exhibition of agricultural mechanics scheduled from 19 to 23 October at the Bologna Fair Centre.

In fact, the great Bologna event will include a space specifically dedicated to advanced electronics in Pavilion 36. It is the EIMA Digital Exhibition, confirmed this year after the success of the 2018 edition, offering visitors a broad overview of the latest generation solutions for satellite guidance, GPS, on-board computers, ISOBUS devices, sensors, specific software and drones.

Four months after the show, says FederUnacoma, the direct organizer of EIMA, about 30 specialized companies have confirmed their participation in the “Digital” exhibition, and others should be added in the coming weeks, given the topicality of the theme and the economic interest in 4.0 technologies.

The systematic use of digital technologies on board mechanical equipment and in cultivated areas makes it possible to optimise performance and thus combine productivity and sustainability, which is the key theme of the European Green Deal and the NRRP. According to data from the Smart Agrifood Observatory, between 2017 and 2020 the value of the 4.0 market has more than quintupled in agriculture, rising from €100 million to €540 million, a business destined to grow impressively also in view of the funds for digital transition that will be made available with the National Recovery and Resilience Plan developed by the Government and soon to be fully operational.

In addition to being a showcase for the most advanced technologies, EIMA Digital is also an opportunity for dissemination and professional updating on the applications of 4.0. Specific seminars and conferences are scheduled in the context of the Show, thanks to the presence of university and research institutions and the collaboration with AEF, the world association of experts in digital systems applied to agriculture, which will have a fixed presence at EIMA 2021.