EIB, Stantec partner to support agriculture climate resilience in Morocco

EIB, Stantec partner to support agriculture climate resilience in Morocco

Consultancy firm Stantec and the European Investment Bank (EIB) have partnered for a climate action project in Morocco.

The two have inked an agreement that will see Stantec partner with Credit Agricole du Maroc, a bank with major operations concentrated in the agriculture and agri-food sectors. Through the partnership, Stantec is set to support Credit Agricole du Maroc to develop its climate risk strategy.

Financial operations

Stantec’s partnership with the Moroccan bank would offer the latter access to state-of-the-art tools for evaluating financial operations in the context of adverse climate conditions. In addition, Santec would help the Moroccan bank identify green finance opportunities. The consultancy is equally set to deliver training courses to the bank’s board members and staff.

“The project perfectly represents our passion and expertise as a team. Stantec has been designing climate-smart solutions for businesses and communities within and outside Europe. We’re especially delighted to bring this expertise to Morocco, a country where we have a long and successful history of building partnerships and working with different stakeholder communities,” said Stantec’s Climate Solutions Leader for European operations Christophe Leroy.

The EIB has a long-standing partnership with Morocco focused on agriculture. Since 2009, the EIB has issued Credit Agricole du Maroc a loan of €200 million to support agriculture activities in the North African country. Morocco’s agriculture uses largely traditional modes of cultivation and irrigation, making it especially vulnerable to climate-induced adverse weather conditions.