Polish Pavilion at Farm-Tech Expo Kenya to show how agri sector in Poland evolved...
“Poland and Kenya share a similar story, whereby Poland underwent a major agricultural transition period of mechanisation, optimisation and adapting new technologies to farming...
FAPA ,African Fertilizer and Agribusiness Partnership to support supply and utilisation of fertiliser in...
On the sidelines of the African Development Bank Annual Meetings in Busan, Korea, the Fund for African Private Sector Assistance (FAPA) (https://goo.gl/bkP5Bm) donors and the...
Omex Agrifluids at Agritech Expo Zambia 2018
Omex Bioboost provides fast early growth and secure development of sugar cane
Omex Agrifluids is pleased to announce the company’s attendance at Agritech Expo Zambia...
Adequate fertilizer pledge for Zimbabwe farmers
Nqobile Bhebhe,Bulawayo
Zimbabwe’s Fertiliser Manufactures Association has assured thousands of farmers that there would be enough fertiliser in the market for the 2018-19 farming season.
Angola to build fertiliser factory
The president and CEO of the Dannish group Haldor Topsoe announced the construction of a factory in Soyo municipality in Zaire province in Angola,...
Omex Calmax gets calcium into coffee beans
Omex Calmax stengthens coffee tissue increasing resilience to disease and reducing berry drop
Coffee whether the long-established Kenyan Arabica origins or more recent provenances from...
Indorama Powers Nigeria’s Petrochemicals, Fertilizer
As the world's population increases and the diets of the developing world continue to improve, demand for meat and crops viz a viz food...