SADC Union SACAU bids farewell to former President Theo De Jager

The Southern African Confederation of Agricultural Unions (SACAU) hosted its 2018 Annual General Meeting (AGM) and Annual Conference on 14-16 May in Victoria Falls,...

PETKUS Corn Cob Dryer Houses

Maize seed production is a growing market in some African countries. But seed production requires special technologies which ensure the quality of the produced...

Negative effects of Western Cape drought on South Africa’s agricultural economy

The South African government finally declared Cape Town’s drought as a national disaster earlier on this year. This is after the country has been...

Ascendis Biosciences is proud sponsor of the 10th Citrus Research Symposium

The 10th Citrus Research Symposium - An opportunity for key stakeholders in the industry to address challenges in the sector Ascendis Biosciences is honoured...

IFAD Vice-President in Kenya to promote innovations for rural transformation

IFAD Vice-President in Kenya to promote innovations for rural transformation Cornelia Richter, Vice-President of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), concluded a five-day visit...

AFGRI Equipment’s new range of potato machinery takes the market by storm

According to Tinus Prinsloo, CEO of AFGRI, the Dewulf, Standen and IMAC ranges of machinery were the subject of considerable interest at NAMPO, so...

KALRO gives avocado farmers reason to smile with the launch of new mobile app

The Kenya Agricultural & Livestock Research Organization (KALRO) has launched a mobile application that helps farmers run their avocado farming businesses.  This comes as...

Cooperatives for inclusive agricultural growth in Africa

Africa holds promise as far as social and economic development is concerned. As such, agribusiness is thus looked upon as it will play a...

Fuel hike puts further pressure on consumers and agriculture sector

Comment by Paul Makube, Senior Agricultural economist at FNB Agri-Business The South African consumer faces another hefty hike in fuel costs effective Wednesday June 6...

The question of land grabbing for commercial agriculture in Uganda

By Nita Karume : Recently, a Ugandan sparked controversy in the media upon uttering a statement in support of land grabbing for commercial agriculture. The...
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