Rapid Food Microbiology Testing 

Rapid, More Accurate and Cost-effective Testing


Rapid food microbiology testing can give organisations in the food supply chain confidence about the safety of their products for consumption. This ensures that their products are compliant with regulatory standards and requirements.

With increased attention to food safety in Africa, there is a huge burden on food manufacturers, distributors, and retailers to take responsibility. While every business focuses on cost containment and increasing the bottom line, unfortunately, there are no shortcuts to achieve this.

Reliable and Efficient Testing

The only surefire approach for the safety of processes and products is through reliable and efficient food microbiology testing for pathogens and organisms that cause foodborne diseases. Why?

Reliable and efficient food microbiology testing is not an option but a necessity. It is a business imperative, not least in the current atmosphere, due to the following factors:

  1. Consumers have become more vigilant and increasingly aware of the risks of foodborne diseases and the significance of safety. As a result, they are asking suppliers difficult questions.
  2. Besides, responsible government bodies have introduced stringent food safety regulations. In South Africa’s case, this applies to the Department of Health and National Regulator for Compulsory Specifications (NRCS).

III. The need for compliance with international food safety standards and regulations (phytosanitary requirements). The EU market is a case in point.

Clearly, efficient food microbiology testing could be the difference – or is the difference – between staying in business and going out of it. This explains why in response to need, there has been the growth of the food testing market in Africa (service providers of testing and analysis of food), with South Africa taking the lead.

Selection of techniques

With several service providers of efficient food microbiology testing services, companies in the food supply chain have a broad range of choices when looking for reliable and effective testing. There are traditional testing techniques and rapid testing methods available. And so, it is fundamental to make wise decisions.

  1. Traditional Testing Techniques

Traditional efficient food microbiology testing techniques serve the purpose in some instances. However, there are always concerns. In most cases, traditional testing methods are inherently time-consuming, prone to errors, cumbersome, and costly where storage is required.

While it is the supplier’s prerogative on the techniques utilised, there are costly ramifications for choosing the ostensibly easy way out. No doubt, the most damaging effects of ensuing compliance breaches are the loss of business and trust from clients, as well as a tarnished reputation.

Markedly, due to their shortcomings, traditional microbiology testing methods increase the risk of breaches. For this reason, where a traditional method won’t fit the bill, it is essential to explore alternative ways. Suitably, with technological advances, wide opportunities are opening up in rapid microbiology testing techniques.

  1. Rapid Microbiological Testing

Rapid microbiology testing techniques have emerged as the feasible option, as they produce results rapidly as and when needed. According to South Africa’s top service providers, these techniques include entail:

  1. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
  2. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) & enzyme-linked fluorescent assay (ELFA)

III. Loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP)

  1.         Chromogenic media

Benefits of Rapid Testing

To organisations in the food supply chain, there are many benefits to be had from using rapid microbiology testing, mainly: meeting regulatory requirements, enhancing product safety, and optimising operational efficiency. Chiefly, rapid microbiological testing achieves the following: speeds up production processes, reduces potential risks, and ensures timely product delivery to consumers.

Partnering with Reputable Service Providers

Broadly speaking, in food testing, it is central to access accurate results, on time, and to the expected quality assurance standards. Fortunately, rapid microbiological testing presents itself as an attractive option. Accordingly, it is pivotal to partner with reputable service providers. Fact: Only capable organisations can advise about a suitable product audit to be applied.

Rajesh Mhargude, South Africa Food Safety Testing Market Analysis & Size Published Jul 11, 20231