Agritechnica’s program for young farmers, students and career professionals

Young Farmers Party at Agritechnica

For young professionals from both Germany and abroad, Agritechnica 2023 offers a special highlight on Thursday, November 16, namely the Young Farmers Day with its evening highlight, the Young Farmers Party. In addition to visiting Agritechnica, information and discussion events will be offered in particular, as well as meeting points for getting to know each other and exchanging experiences. Young practitioners, entrepreneurs, students, technical school students and young professionals of all genders from all over Germany and from Western, Central and Eastern Europe are expected to attend.

The numerous events, which will take place on the stage of the DLG information stand in Hall 24, Stand A06, at the Hanover Exhibition Grounds, will focus on questions relating to career entry, careers and salaries.

On the evening of November 16, 2023, the legendary Young Farmers Party will take place in the ZAG Arena in the Expo Plaza. Tickets are available in advance at the Agritechnica online ticket store for 19 euros, at the box office they cost 27 euros.

A continuously updated overview of the Young Farmers Day program is available at