‘Don’t despair over fertilizer delivery’-Mtolo

photo; AfricaFertilizer.org

Zambia’s agriculture season for 2022/23 season remains on course despite delays to distribute and make accessible to smallholder farmers the much sought after fertilizer and seed, agriculture minister Reuben Mtolo has assured.

Allays fears by various interest groups that the delayed distribution of the farming inputs was a cost on the food output next year,

Some players claim  that the delayed delivery may force Zambia to lose an estimated 1 million metric ton of maize after the lapse of the 8 November input distribution deadline, but Minister Mtolo has  allayed fears and assured that the programme was on course although characterized by some unforeseen challenges.

In a ministerial statement to Zambian lawmakers, Wednesday, the Government remains certain of a successful season and looks set to complete the distribution of farming inputs by the end of this month, precisely, November 30.

Contention has been raised by interest groups following delays to distribute the fertiliser by agro dealers. Delivery of seed varieties and legumes have been delayed to reach the farmers at the height of the rain season.

The situation has been compounded by the shortage of fertiliser in some parts  of the country having not received. The recent revision of fertiliser to an average K900-K1,200 (US$56.25/US$75) per 50 kilogram bag has heightened apprehension, leading to speculation.

Some players claim that the distribution of fertilizer and other agro needs was a failure by the Government to manage the agriculture sector and argue that it was a ‘ploy’ to create an artificial food shortage to allow the Government to import GMOs as a substitute, a claim disputed.

However, Minister Mtolo, disputes the claims of any shortcomings. The  Government was expeditiously working to ensure its availability to all deserving consumers on condition that smallholder farmers pay K400 as a prerequisite to access .

A total of 57% farmers have been reached. There is  23 percent of maize seed, 16 percent soya bean seed and 19 percent groundnut seed being distributed to all parts of the country.

He told lawmakers in his statement on the Farmer Input Support Programme – FISP 2022/2023 farming season, Mr. MTOLO that the Government was on course.

It has put measures to ensure the delivery of farming inputs is completed before the stipulated time frame. The ministry is working with the Ministry of transport and logistics to facilitate fast movement of tracks delivering the farming inputs.