Aldi funds vegetable packhouse to help smallholder growers in Kenya

Aldi funds vegetable packhouse to help smallholder growers in Kenya

Aldi UK has funded construction of a vegetable packhouse in Kenya to help smallholder growers. The project is part work of international NGO Farm Africa, through its Growing Futures project, which helps young farmers in rural western Kenya build resilience to climate change and improve the quality of fresh produce for both export and domestic markets.

Processing hub

The pack-house will function as a fruit and vegetable processing hub where local horticulture farmers will sell their fruits and vegetables for onwards distribution to markets.This will make it easier for farmers in Trans Nzoia County to market their fresh horticultural produce and reduce post-harvest losses

It will further reduce poverty and youth unemployment and stems rural-urban migration by enabling young people to make a living growing and selling vegetables such as green beans, according to Farm Africa.

According to¸ the packhouse will be the only one of its kind in Trans Nzoia County, designed to minimise spoilage, increase packaging efficiency and reduce transport costs for export buyers delivering to Nairobi.