Update on the status of Foot and Mouth Disease in South Africa

South Africa suspends movement of cattle over Foot-And-Mouth disease outbreak

South Africa has made great progress in containing and closing the outbreaks of Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) that has plagued the country since 2021. Currently, only KwaZulu Natal and Free State Provinces have areas with unresolved outbreaks in the previous FMD free zone. All other outbreaks in the previous FMD free zone have been resolved and closed with the World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH).

No cases of FMD were reported in the Eastern Cape, Northern Cape and Western Cape Provinces. These provinces have remained FMD free without vaccination. In Gauteng, Limpopo, Mpumalanga and North West Provinces, the last outbreaks in the previous FMD free zone were reported more than a year ago, in November 2022. The outbreaks on the affected premises in these provinces were resolved and the outbreaks closed with the WOAH.

In KwaZulu Natal and the Free State Provinces, there are some farms and areas that are under restriction due to FMD and animals may not move from these quarantined premises or districts. However, some districts of these Provinces have not been affected and can also be considered as FMD free areas.

There is no blanket prohibition on the export of cloven hoofed animals or animal products from areas in South Africa that are not under restriction due to FMD. However, the requirements of the importing country must be complied with, and this may exclude some areas listed above. Clients are reminded to always obtain the veterinary health requirements prior to preparing consignments for export.