The Malawian government cautions livestock farmers amidst reports of Anthrax outbreak in Tanzania  


The Government of Malawi has warned livestock farmers in the country of an Anthrax outbreak panic reported in neighboring Tanzania. The ministries of Agriculture, Irrigation and Water Development and health indicate that the World Health Organization and World Organization have confirmed the outbreak for Animal Health as of early this year.

A press statement signed by principal secretaries in the two ministries of agriculture and health indicates that anthrax remains a serious public health concern despite no human case being reported on the Malawian side so far.

The statement further adds that the infectious disease calls for preventive measures. Anthrax is passed through infected animals or contaminated animal products and is fatal if not treated.

As such, the government has reportedly put a restriction on livestock and cross border movement of animals in Chitipa district. They have also banned slaughter of livestock. This is in addition to enforcement against touching, opening and consumption of dead animals.

The statement also indicated that an institution of a national health multi-sectoral team has been formulated. This will aid in the monitoring of all public health emergencies of both national and international concern such as anthrax in all districts including ensuring that medicines are available.

Anthrax symptoms include convulsions, staggering, trembling, difficulties in breathing, unprompted abortions, swelling of the neck, chest and shoulders, unexplained sudden deaths and oozing of blood from dead animals, the statement added.

Meanwhile, the government has assured the general public that it is in constant consultation with the government of Tanzania, multilateral agencies and donor partners to contain the outbreak and updates on the matter will be made from time to time.