Smith Power sees its future in young people

Luke Roodt Smith Power Equipment - Digital Marketing Specialist

In commemoration of Youth Day, Smith Power Equipment casts the spotlight on young people in its ranks. The company believes that investing in young people allows them to gain the experience, knowledge and ignite the passion that could see them drive the business to greater heights.

The local capital equipment sector has over the years battled with an ageing workforce and companies are aware of the urgent need to attract young, skilled people. Smith Power Equipment believes that it’s critical to invest in young people to help them flourish, given that the future of the business lies with young professionals, who are considered to hold the key to success.

In celebration of Youth Month in South Africa, Smith Power shines the spotlight on two of its young people – Luke Roodt and Calista Maas, who are both playing significant roles to help the company thrive in the digital age.

As a digital marketing specialist, Roodt’s role entails working across digital platforms to improve Smith Power’s presence online, as well as using the newest technology available to make sure potential customers have a wonderful experience with the company’s wide range of brands.

“Smith Power is quite a force to be reckoned with in the equipment industry, and is always looking to push boundaries,” says Roodt. “As a young person in the digital field, I am always looking to do the next massive thing or go where no one else has been. So, it’s very much an alignment of personal and company objectives, which is key in the marketing field.”

In her role as communications officer, Maas is responsible for assisting with all communications activities of the company. This includes handling the marketing material of the various brands that Smith Power Equipment distributes, as well as devising communications strategies, creating content, briefing vendors, planning, coordination of events and shows.

“As a young person, working at Smith Power Equipment has allowed me to grow my knowledge of the industry from experienced colleagues, while applying a unique and youthful perspective to my work that is required in an industry that is ever expanding and incorporating new and creative ideas,” explains Maas.

Roodt is excited to be part of the innovation regime of the capital equipment sector and being at the forefront of the new and improved technological systems in an industry that is very “old school” in its methods and thinking. “It’s a privilege to be able to create new systems, although it’s quite complex to make it work easily and effectively for an older generation user,” he says.

For Maas, modernisation means that the trends and technologies are always increasing in functionality and standard; the challenge however is being able to recognise these trends ahead of time and integrate them into the company’s marketing strategies and campaigns.

“As the industry continues to evolve, it requires that companies make full use of new and innovative techniques and technologies that have only recently shown their significance. As a young person, I have grown accustomed to these trends, allowing me to incorporate them into my everyday work,” says Maas.

Both Roodt and Maas feel strongly about the importance of Youth Day in South Africa, which offers a chance to raise awareness of the need to ensure the engagement and participation of youth in all aspects.

“Youth Day reminds us of the everyday obligations we have as the youth of today to contribute to a healthy and prosperous future in which all South Africans can reach their full potential and create an environment of peace, love and acceptance,” says Maas.

“Youth Day is a bitter reminder of the past as well as the pledge to move forward with hope, with a strong belief that our generation can work to fix the issues of the past and create a better Africa,” concludes Roodt.