NARIGP Donates Sh 39M to Kenyan farmers

NARIGP Donates Sh 39M to Kenyan farmers

The National Agricultural and Rural Inclusive Growth Project (NARIGP) has donated Sh39 million to farmers in Kiambu County in Kenya.

The World Bank project aims to increase Agricultural Productivity and Profitability of targeted rural communities, and in the event of a crisis or emergency, to provide immediate and effective response. The money was disbursed to Banana, potatoes, dairy and chicken farmers since these are the main value chain in the project. In Kiambu County the project is only present in Gatundu North and Gatundu South, Limuru, Lari and Kikuyu Sub-counties and other 20 wards.

During the event that took place at the Kiambu County Governor’s offices, area Governor James Nyoro thanked NARIGP and the Word bank for the funds, and also recited the efforts of the County Government in supporting food and nutrition security and income generation to farmers.

“Apart from NARIGP, we have also continued to support our farmers through distribution of hybrid maize seeds that mature in three months and also funding youth groups involved in horticulture” said Nyoro.

Disbursement process

Speaking during the event Agriculture CECM Joseph Kamau said that the money will be disbursed to the 5 sub-Counties and 20 wards, through the Community Driven Development Committees (CDDC) and Producer organisations (PO).

“The farmers have organised groups called (CDDC) and (PO) which are the platforms we will use in trainings and marketing of produce, we also intent to use the groups to disburse the funds to the farmers in the designed areas, “said the CEC.

The Agriculture executive further said NARIGP programme has cumulatively disbursed Sh251 million to farmers in the County since its inception.

“This is the fifth time the farmer groups have received financing from the programme, I encouraged more farmers to form groups so they can benefit, as we have so far received over 251 million from the programme, “said Kamau.

The programme supports Kenya’s Vision 2030 whose key element includes the development of an innovative, commercially oriented modern agriculture, livestock and fisheries sector in an inclusive way.