Kenya holds Disaster Risk Reduction symposium in Kakamega

Kenya holds Disaster Risk Reduction symposium in Kakamega

Kenya is holding a Disaster Risk Management symposium in Kakamega town aimed at mitigating disasters.

Kakamega Governor Fernandes Barasa officiated the opening ceremony of the two day international symposium dubbed ‘International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction (IDDRR 2022).

The event is being hosted at the Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology (MMUST) with a goal of creating awareness on early warnings and disaster preparedness in the Western region.

According to the county’s Governor Fernandes Barasa, Kakamega County has experienced a fair share of natural disasters such as lightning strikes. The symposium hence will bring forth knowledge to residence on early warning systems to avert destruction

“It’s important to enlighten residents of Kakamega and Kenyans at large on early warning and early action to beat various risks like fire, accidents and lightning,” said the Governor.


Barasa was accompanied by various partners taking part in the symposium like St Johns Ambulance, World Vision, Johan niter, Kenya Red Cross, United Nations Women, United Nation Office of Disaster Risk Reduction, German Corporation and The Green Jewel.

Other partners are International Organization for Migration, (IOM) Development Fund, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), National Disaster Operations Centre [NDOC] and Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology [MMUST].

The Governor said the County Government was also partnering with MMUST and the Bukura Agricultural Training College so as to obtain more research on various food crops to be planted to increase food security.

“Our particular interest is strengthening early warning and early action through training, provision of tools and implements that allow the society to practice better farming and being able to face the emerging climatic challenges,”