InteliGro takes the guesswork out of crop solutions


Success in agriculture increasingly depends on informed and accurate decision making. From which crop and cultivar to plant in a specific field, to the correct plant nutrition and crop protection measures to apply at the right time. Growers simply cannot afford sub-optimal decisions.

Agricultural research bodies in South Africa have lost much of their capacity in recent years. As a result, practical research from a neutral point of view has sadly suffered. Exceptions are institutions such as the Western Cape Department of Agriculture that continues to deliver good work on cereals and canola. There are also other institutes that still deliver high quality research work and we are very grateful for this!

“We have a grave shortage of independent, credible data on which of the many crop protection and plant nutrition options deliver the best results in a specific set of circumstances,” says Dirk van Eeden, technical marketing specialist at InteliGro.

InteliGro has access to a wide variety of high-quality products from multinational and selected generic companies alike. Drawing on this product arsenal, the most appropriate technical solutions are assembled for clients. “The challenge, however, is to validate the decisions taken around a specific solution with relevant data,” says van Eeden.

Against this backdrop, InteliGro launched the Intelekt Solutions project four years ago to generate its own credible scientific data with which help improve clients’ decision making. InteliGro studies conducted under the Intelekt Solutions banner supplement the research done by universities and the Agricultural Research Council (ARC). The company furthermore ensures that growers get access to the information by hosting demonstration and information days.

“We see ourselves as a leader in die development and transfer of valuable, accurate information,” explains van Eeden. “Our existence is rooted in the objective to recommend to growers the best technical solutions out of all the available products and, in doing so, to add value on the farm – where it all starts.”

The Intelekt Solutions value chain

Every year, InteliGro identifies specific questions to answer, eg, how do certain seed treatments and plant nutrition options influence yield, or what is the effect of biological products that are applied in the furrow at planting. InteliGro’s technical specialists, such as van Eeden, design the trial protocols and assist with selecting the trial plots. Thereafter, however, the process is handed over to independent, external researchers to plant the trials, apply products, do evaluations, analyse data and draw statistics.

“The information must enjoy the highest possible level of credibility,” says van Eeden. “Everybody who works with it in future, must be able to trust the data.”

These trails have been conducted on wheat in the Swartland for the past four years, and for three years on barley in the Southern Cape and on soybeans and maize in the summer row crops production areas in the northern regions of South Africa. More recently, the research was extended to wheat and canola in the Southern Cape.

“On wheat and barley, we have mainly been looking at fungicides to determine how different programmes react on different cultivars in different areas,” explains van Eeden. On maize the focus is the impact of bio-stimulants on return on investment, while the control of the harmful fungal disease Sclerotinia head rot is being studied on sunflowers..

Research into soil-borne diseases, specifically Fusarium ear rot, is a new dimension that was added in the Southern Cape this year. Dr Sandra Lampbrechts of the ARC, who is a soil-borne diseases specialist, has already agreed to be involved in the trial evaluations.

Another first this year, were trails aimed at optimising application efficacy. In cooperation with ProCrop, InteliGro did a study to determine the role that water volume, spray speed and different nozzles play in the effective application of products on cereals.

“Preparations are currently underway to expand the Intelekt Solutions programme to other crop segments,” says van Eeden. “The objective is to build a meaningful database that will enable our clients and us to make better and more informed decisions. InteliGro will also use the information to technically optimise our strategies and recommendations.”

He stresses that the research is a long-term approach, given that new products are continuously being developed and that nature is dynamic and organisms endlessly adaptable. Protecting existing chemical products against the development of resistance, which is one of agriculture’s greatest challenges, is specifically addressed in the Intelekt Solutions research.

“InteliGro is here to give growers the best possible support to be sustainable in all sense of the word,” says van Eeden. “Data is indispensable for informed and effective decision making. There is never just one answer to all questions. Intelekt Solutions enables us to tailor make solutions with data that supports our recommendations.”

Judging by comments from growers such as Jean van Niekerk who farms near Caledon, the Intelekt Solutions approach hits the mark: “Too many variables come into play when one wants to test, for example, fungicides in large-scale fields,” he says. “With the Intelekt Solutions trials we get to see everything in one place. It makes choosing a fungal-control programme much easier, and certainly adds value to my wheat, barley and canola production.”

Boeta Wessels from Bredasdorp subscribes to seeing is believing. “The trials and the demonstration and information days help the grower to choose the right control strategies, and confirm the importance of, for instance, fungal control.”

Jacques Bester from Riebeeck area in the Swartland appreciates how thoroughly fungicides are tested under different conditions. “The Intelekt Solutions platform provides me with the necessary information to make the right cultivar decisions.”

Marnus Kotze from Moorreesburg area in the Swartland gives thanks to the pioneering work done annually by Inteligro Intelekt Solutions. “It sets a new standard in the industry by helping farmers to be at the forefront of best farming practices. In today’s challenging market the research reports, provided by InteliGro Intelekt Solutions, are important for every farm in the country.”