Fighting Foot-and-mouth disease, the modern way.

boot dip (Image Evans Vanodine)

One of the most important keys to success in containing diseases such as foot-and-mouth disease (FMD), is using a highly researched and tested disinfectant. For it to be successful, it must contain a formulation of several ingredients working together, where the whole performs more effectively than its parts. This contrasts with simple non-formulated disinfectants, which require very high levels of biocidal ingredients that are more likely to lead to toxic and environmentally hazardous results. These raw disinfectants are also not as effective at containing disease as their formulated counterparts. This is because formulated disinfectants have been developed directly with a purpose in mind; farm biosecurity. Researchers match ingredients to the disinfectant which can deal with real-world challenges, such as organic soiling, temperature change, water hardness, and repeated usage, in boot dips or vehicle wheel baths.

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The disinfectant FAM 30, developed by Evans Vanodine International in the UK, was first researched and developed throughout the 1960s, to directly combat FMD during a nationwide outbreak. According to government testing laboraties, raw disinfectants being used at the time were taking hours to kill the virus and were not effective. When the first version of FAM 30 was introduced, these laboratories discovered the virus was eliminated in less than a minute. The name of the product, short for ‘Foot and mouth formulation number 30’, highlights its history against the disease.

The FAM 30 formulation has been redeveloped and improved over the decades. Further testing provides the product with maximum efficacy against a wide spectrum of bacteria, viruses, and fungi while also keeping the environmental impact and hazards of the product as low as possible. One of the strengths of FAM 30 is its well-matched level of surfactant. Surfactants are a type of detergent which allow the disinfectant to penetrate organic soiling or other surfaces. FAM 30 has been developed to take advantage of this, so that it is effective at sanitising and disinfecting while also possessing cleaning properties. As well as being highly effective, the surfactant chosen is also biodegradable.

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These advancements have led to FAM 30 becoming the number one disinfectant for FMD and other diseases in the UK. This is reflected in FAM 30 being authorised by various, rigorous, efficacy and environmental regulations, such as the European Union’s Biocidal Products Regulation and others throughout the world. Farms, and the industry at large, have trusted FAM 30 for 50 years worldwide, including South Africa. This is in part due to FAM 30 passing the strict UK DEFRA test method for FMD at a dilution of 1:550.

Not only must your chosen disinfectant be effective at neutralising harmful microorganisms, but it must also be safe, as the need for low environmental impact and safe-to-use disinfectants grows. Some biocidal ingredients have already been banned due to their highly hazardous nature. Disinfectant manufacturers must therefore research safer alternatives so that users and the environment remain protected. Evans Vanodine International is committed to this approach; FAM 30 is non-toxic to farm animals and humans and is also completely biodegradable. Care should always be taken with disinfectants, especially regarding usage and disposal. For a more effective containment of microorganisms, it is recommended to clean with a detergent prior to disinfection.

For more information on FAM 30, visit the Evans Vanodine website or contact


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