European standards are a source of pride for farmers. However, they are asking for less bureaucracy with the new CAP*.


To achieve the objectives of a greener agriculture, as set by the European Union, we need to encourage investments in technologies to reduce the environmental impact and satisfy an increasingly demanding market.  

“Farmers must be encouraged to invest in new technologies to reduce polluting emissions and increase the percentage of energy obtained from waste”.

This is what Pekka Pesonen states, representing 22 million direct farmers and 22,000 agricultural cooperatives from all over Europe in his capacity as general secretary of Copa-Cogeca .

Speaking at the “Sustainable agriculture, the perspective of European farmers and agri-cooperatives” meeting scheduled on the platform EDP, Eima Digital Preview, Pesonen reiterated that the quality guarantees imposed on food products by European standards must be maintained to protect the health of consumers. Therefore, they do not constitute a difficulty for those who produce the raw material, but it is necessary to intervene with a simplification of the protocols provided for the production processes.

“Despite the pandemic in progress, we have managed to guarantee the constant supply of food products to all European citizens – said Pesonen – but we are facing enormous financial difficulties on a par with the entire population. Now, the CAP*, which is emerging from a long process of discussion and analysis and as a summary of three different proposals, must allow us to achieve technological innovations according to principles of environmental, economic and social sustainability”.

“The common goal is the Grean Deal – added the Copa-Cogeca secretary – which farmers support, just like they support the Paris accords, including the commitment to keep the temperature rise within 1.5 degrees Celsius. These goals also require technological innovation and, therefore, the renewal of equipment, which must be adapted to the objectives set within the EU”.

“Farms – Pesonen concluded – must access financial support that will allow them to invest in agricultural machinery designed according to the new green requirements. All the more so since this sector represents a driver of the EU economy with its 44 million jobs.

*CAP: Community agricultural policy, the regulatory framework that regulates and supports agricultural production for the countries of the European Union