Cajetin doble 125mm Double boot

Cajetin doble 125mm Double boot

Adapting us to current feeding needs on the farms, Growket develops have developed 125mm diameter stainless steel boot with double outlet that allows auger feed delivery system to reach a production of 8.000 kg/h. At the same time, an adaptation to the silo has been developed with discharge slope of 0º and 30º. The increased size of the transition of the new adaptation improves feed flow reducing feed bridging. This boot Ø 125 with double outlet completes delivery feed system of 125mm that includes two control units with outlet Ø 78mm and Ø 156mm and intermediate and initial hopper.

Growket feeding system improvement project follows an ongoing process. In 2019 we present a new drive unit for chain transport system and broiler feeders, Albro y Broli. In 2020 feed silo was optimized under EUROCODE 1.4. In 2021 we launched UNIFLEX control unit and in 2022 we improve the boots line with a transparent register and we add the 125 diameter boot with double outlet.