InteliGro Managing Director Gideon Hefer steps into a new role.


WinField United South Africa (WUSA) and InteliGro jointly announce that Gideon Hefer, Managing Director of InteliGro, has made the decision to step down from his position effective 1 April 2024.

Gideon, a qualified Chartered Accountant from the University of Johannesburg (formerly RAU), joined the then Terason in 2001 and was part of the team that established InteliChem in 2012. He played a key role in the merger of Terason and TechniChem, forming the well-known industry leader, InteliGro, in 2016. Being appointed as Chief Executive Officer of InteliChem in 2017, he joined the WUSA executive management team as Managing Director: Retail in 2021.

Gideon’s dedication to agriculture is evident in his commitment towards building a sustainable industry in South Africa for future generations. In addition to his involvement with the WUSA companies, he also served on the Executive Committee of CropLife SA, focusing on advancing the role of trained and responsible crop advisors as trusted business partners to growers.

Jan Vermaak, Chief Executive Officer of WUSA, confirmed that Gideon will remain within the Group, taking on a different role to support strategic initiatives. In the immediate future, Gideon will prioritize his family life and contribute to organizations focused on upliftment and feeding programs, causes that are close to his heart.

Gideon reflected on his journey, stating, “It is with some melancholy, but also elatedness that I enter a new season in my life. It has been my privilege to be part of an exceptional team that really makes a difference on the farm. The InteliGro team surpasses just mere business – it entails camaraderie, trusted relationships, genuinely caring and supporting team members, growers and suppliers to reach our common goal – to keep the grower, and the agricultural industry, sustainable and successful.”

Jan Vermaak expressed his appreciation to Gideon for his leadership in building a leading business, his contribution as a WUSA executive in supporting the merger, and his positive impact on the agriculture sector. “We look forward to Gideon’s continued contribution to our future success. During the transition, the current InteliGro leadership team will operate as usual.”