Togo produces 940,000t of yam in the 2020-2021 campaign

Togo produces 940,000t of yam in the 2020-2021 campaign

Togo produced 940,876 t of yam throughout the 2020-2021 agricultural campaign. The figure was disclosed by the office for agricultural statistics, IT, and documentation.

The data’s disclosure happens as studies are being carried out, by institutes such as the Togolese Institute for Agricultural Research (ITRA), to improve yam yield in the country.

“Average yields are below 10 t/ha, but yields of 15 to 20 t/ha can be obtained if new high-yielding varieties are used and if the technical recommendations are followed,” the Togolese Ministry of Agriculture says.

At the moment, the main varieties grown are Kratchi, Florido, Hè-abalo, Alassora, Laboco, Gnamiti, Djatiba, TDR 99/01169, TDA 89/02665, Brutani, Motchi, and Moniya. Yam, is a tropical crop mainly produced in West Africa. Although Togo exports some of it, it mostly feeds national consumption. It is the second most-eaten tuber in the country (37.8% of the tubers consumed in Togo), right after cassava (61.8%).

2020-2021 agricultural campaign

In the 2020-2021 agricultural campaign, the State distributed 15,000 irrigation kits. This should guarantee food and nutritional security for rural households, by considerably boosting the country’s agricultural output.

The equipment are also aimed at enabling rural farmers cultivate their crops off-season. Its provision falls under the government’s Covid-19 response launched when the pandemic broke out in the country.

This response is currently being revised by the authorities to take into account current needs arising in various sectors, including agriculture. In effect, new amendments to the response aim mostly at boosting farmers’ earnings, improving their access to massive input kits and improving their living standards.