IA celebrates efficient irrigation during July’s Smart Irrigation Month


The Irrigation Association is excited to announce that July 2020 has once again been designated as Smart Irrigation Month. This month-long initiative is an opportunity for the irrigation industry to promote the importance and value of smart irrigation practices. The benefits of smart irrigation are all around us — in the food we eat, the fresh air we breathe and the yards and green spaces where we relax. Smart irrigation practices allow us to continue to experience these joys and necessities of life without wasting one of our nation’s most precious resources: water.

Smart Irrigation Month kicks off on July 7 with Technology Tuesday. Irrigation professionals are encouraged to wear blue on July 7 to raise awareness about everything that makes up smart irrigation, including the people and the technologies that efficiently apply water to our agricultural fields, landscapes and turfgrass throughout the world.

This year, the IA is focusing on the people behind smart irrigation, celebrating the professionals who make our industry great. Now is the perfect time to do this, as our country has a renewed focus on celebrating those working hard behind the scenes to keep us safe, healthy and well-fed during a challenging time. Irrigation professionals are invited to share their stories about smart irrigation and how they have used it in their operation or promoted its benefits to customers. Go to www.smartirrigationmonth.org to share your story.

“With the challenges our industry, our country and the world are facing right now with the COVID-19 health crisis, we are proud to be able to celebrate our industry through Smart Irrigation Month,” said IA Government and Public Affairs Director John Farner. “Smart Irrigation Month is our opportunity to showcase the value and importance of efficient irrigation. Focusing on the people behind irrigation is a great way to recognize those who are making a significant impact on managing our vulnerable water supplies.”

Smart Irrigation Month serves as the showcase month for the irrigation industry and the public to recognize and promote the benefits associated with smart and efficient irrigation.

“The irrigation industry continues to be at the forefront of developing technologies and practices for the most efficient and effective use of water,” continued Farner. “We look forward to celebrating the people who make it all happen during 2020 Smart Irrigation Month.” The IA offers numerous resources and tips for engaging the media and the public and for use on social media. Go to www.smartirrigation.org for these resources and more information