US- funded US $44m Livestock Market Systems launched in Kenya


Approximately five counties from Northern Kenya are set to benefit from US- funded US $44m Livestock Market Systems that was launched recently. The US Ambassador to Kenya Robert Godec said that under the Livestock Market Systems program, pastoralists will receive grants, undergo vocational and technical education, business support services, and policy expertise to expand and diversify economic opportunities.

The five-year project funded through the US Government’s “Feed the Future program” will strengthen market systems in Northern Kenya. The initiative is also projected to benefit well over 240,000 households in Garissa, Isiolo, Marsabit, Turkana, and Wajir counties.

Presently, a total of 94,000 households in the five counties have already benefitted from USAID’s investments. The investments go towards supporting pastoralist communities to cope better with and recover from climate-related stresses.

Godec further added that the US Government is committed to unlocking the full economic potential of the ASAL counties. As such, they continue to support the trade of livestock, livestock products, pasture and fodder production, and fishing. He was speaking earlier on this week at the opening of the Lodwar livestock market in Turkana County that was upgraded to the tune of US $ 375,020.

According to Godec, the improved structures and facilities will encourage economic growth in the livestock industry. They will also create wealth, employment and resilience within the community. He also emphasized that support to entrepreneurs and local businesses are a key component of the United States Government’s global hunger and food initiative.

The Feed the Future program initiative works to reduce hunger and poverty, increase social stability. This is while building strong foundations for economic growth through strengthened social, economic, and environmental resilience.