Togo introduces two new varieties of cowpeas to boost national output

Togo introduces two new varieties of cowpeas to boost national output

The government of Togo has introduced two varieties of cowpeas that is Striga-resistant in bid to improve the nation’s cowpea output for the 2021-2022 season.

Provided by the Togolese Institute for Agricultural Research (ITRA), the newly-introduced varieties are the Nafi Sam and Wang-Kai varieties. With a cycle of 80 days, these varieties mature earlier than the old ones.

The Ministry of Agriculture said cowpea is a popular staple food in the country; its leaves, green pods, and dry seeds are eaten and sold throughout the territory. Togo produced 383,664 t of cowpea in the 2020-2021 season, according to the Directorate of Agricultural Statistics, Information Technology, and Documentation (DSID).

Reducing malnutrition

Cowpea is seen as being increasingly important in reducing malnutrition, and a recent four-year study by Miriam Otoo at the Agricultural Economics Department at Purdue University showed that there is significant value addition when cowpea is made into the deep-fried cakes known as akara and sold by women as street food in Niger and Ghana. Cowpeas could also prove a solution for farmers adapting to climate change because of its resilience in dry, hot conditions.

But according to the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), pests – particularly the Maruca vitrata pod borer – currently cause losses of up to US$300 million for smallholder farmers in Africa.