Planting kick-starts in Lesotho amid high input costs


The 2022/23 agricultural season in Lesotho has started with widespread favourable rainfall, and in some parts of the country, the farming season has started earlier than normal.

However, high agricultural input costs are hampering farming preparations for some farmers.

According to the US government’s Famine and Early Warning Systems Network (FEWS NET, key informants have indicated that while early-season rainfall has facilitated planting; however, persistent rainfall has not allowed sufficient time for farmers to start planting.

“The government provides subsidised agricultural inputs to farmers due to the high agricultural input prices; however, subsidies are not expected to allow for normal access to planting inputs,” FEWS NET said.

“Above-average rainfall is expected across Lesotho between October 2022 and April 2023 and is expected to drive normal planting levels. Although, crop development could be negatively impacted by limited access to fertilisers and above-average rainfall, which can lead to leaching of nutrients in the soils.”

FEWS NET said households from wealth groups were already engaging in land preparation and planting activities while the better-off and middle-class farmers were are hiring poorer households, thereby improving the availability of agricultural labor.

“On-farm labor opportunities are expected to increase with increasing farming activities as the 2022/23 rainy season is expected to be fully established. However, availability and income from agricultural labour activities are expected to be below average throughout the projection period due to high inflation and above agricultural input prices, decreasing expendable income for middle and better-off households.”