Mineworkers Investment Company invests R10 million in crowdfarming fintech, Livestock Wealth


Livestock Wealth has become the latest growth equity investment through the Mineworkers Investment Company’s (MIC) Khulisani Ventures initiative. MIC Khulisani Ventures is geared towards unlocking the high-growth potential of scalable, innovative, Black-owned businesses. MIC has been making its mark by driving innovation and rendering support to black-owned businesses of South Africa. The founder of the MIC Khulisani Ventures initiative has now added Livestock Wealth to its venture capital programme and further diversified its investment portfolio in the process.

Khulisani Ventures has invested R10 million into the crowdfarming company and its innovative solution that is aimed at enabling everyday citizens to invest in livestock and crop farming through a cutting-edge platform poised to revolutionize farmers’ access to capital as well as the asset classes which retail and institutional investors can now gain exposure to. The company, founded back in 2015, has helped thousands of people to invest in tangible, growing assets at a click of a button and has managed assets worth over R100 million across different product categories such as cattle-breeding, free-range oxen, organic garden tunnels and macadamia trees.

“Inventions and innovations are the engines that power the growth of our economy. Livestock Wealth is one such entity, with innovation at its heart. It is the perfect example of the kind of companies we continue to seek out mutually beneficial partnerships with,” says MIC CIO Nchaupe Khaole.

“Livestock Wealth’s simple way of helping anyone buy and own real profit earning assets while helping farmers grow and maintain assets until ready for market was the enticement that attracted us to the business,” says MIC Impact Investment Manager, Thato Ntseare.  “They have embraced innovation and understand that creating innovative solutions to problems is the best way to grow,” he concluded.

Ntuthuko Shezi, the Chief Executive Officer of Livestock Wealth, explains that their partnership with MIC will go a long way in empowering their company in meeting its goals for expansion including broadening their access to markets and leveraging new growth opportunities. “Farming is one of the oldest pillars of generational wealth. We understood this at Livestock Wealth and created a platform to make investment in farming accessible to anyone, anywhere.  Which is why we, at Livestock Wealth, are so thrilled about this partnership with Khulisani Ventures. MIC’s investment in our company will allow us to scale our technology offering and prepare for growth beyond South Africa,” he said.