Prepare for the agriculture of tomorrow, African Development Bank President challenges high school students...

Young people from around the world gathered in Des Moines Iowa at the Global Youth Institute ( on Thursday to interact with Nobel and...

International Business Round at Agrishow records US$ 32 million

The initiative, put together by BMS Program in partnership with Apex-Brasil, brought together Brazilian industries of machinery, farming implements, irrigation equipment and foreign buyers....

Achieving solutions with farmers isn’t radical: why is it so hard?

By Kenny Ewan, CEO of Wefarm A stranger enters the room, from another world, and tells a long-time team to do things differently. The chances of...

Irrigation is featured at Made in America showcase in D.C.

On Monday, July 15, irrigation was featured at the White House during the third annual Made in America product showcase. For this event, businesses...

uMsinga emerging farmer invests in high-tech agriculture solutions that will benefit local women-run farming...

Six months ago, founder and chairman of the Bahle Zondo Foundation, philanthropist and entrepreneur Dr. Bahle Zondo walked into the AGCO Africa office announcing...

Agriculture: Seventh Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD7): PM Shinzo Abe says Japan...

The Sasakawa Association will work with the Japan International Corporation Agency (JICA), to help double rice production to 50 million tonnes by 2030.  Japanese...
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