Kenyan farmers embracing technology to predict rainfall

Kenyan farmers embracing technology to predict rainfall

The youth in Kenya are fast embracing Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) to modernize and improve agricultural activities in the country to keep the sector at par with the global trends. Young people are more than ready to master these new technological concepts on ways to apply latest solutions to emerging challenges in production and marketing of agricultural produce with a view of making maximums returns.

At the same time, these technologies can help demonstrate to youth that agriculture can be a viable and profitable business opportunity, increasing the desirability of agriculture-related career paths. Youth in Njoro area, Nakuru County are embracing agriculture more now that technology in farming is within their reach and can be done at the comfort of their smart phones.

KAOP technology

Thanks to a new digital App dubbed Kenya Agricultural Observation Platform (KAOP) that is hands-on, accurate and guiding them in their farming to plan before, during and even at harvest and get good yields in their farms. The KAOP technology developed by the Kenya Agricultural Livestock and Research Organisation (KALRO) is an integrated online platform that uses geo-data from satellites to generate real-time and location specific agro-advisories to farmers enabling them to make more informed farming decisions.

So far, the platform has attracted at least 5,000 users around the country is able to inform farmers on when to carry out their farm management practices within the precinct of where their farms are and at the comfort of their fingertips.

With the erupting effects of climate change, the App that is easy to use has seen more farmers embrace it and adapt to it unlike before when they used to gamble their luck on traditional methods of predicting weather patterns. Margaret Wambui, a young maize and bean farmer from Njoro says that since she discovered the application in 2019, she is laughing all the way to the bank having doubled her returns from harvesting 4 bags of beans to 8 bags.

Accurate advisories on rainfall

Wambui who learnt of the KAOP from a Nakuru farmers’ whatsapp group, says since she downloaded the App, she has been able to make solid decisions as it brings out accurate advisories on rainfall, what the weather is like and even the temperatures.

“It has helped me in avoiding unnecessary costs like when I am doing routine management practices I do it at the right time unlike before. I have been getting information on the rainfall and weather and this has helped me when am planting my crops and even when am harvesting,” she said.

Wambui who also runs an agrovet in Njoro area says, she is able to assist and advise other farmers who buy from her shop on what to expect as they purchase farm products when necessary.

“The idea of just listening to Radio on what the weatherman has predicted was limiting me as I had to be at one place but now with this smartphone that is user friendly and only requires a little data bundle, I can access information anywhere anytime. I urge the young people to join farming as a business or even to help their parents who are farming and yet do not have the smart phones to check on this useful information”, Wambui says.

Right information

Bernard Shanzu another farmer from Rumwe, Njoro says the challenges he had been experiencing previously on weather are no more since he started using the KAOP application.

“Previous predictions on when to plant and also harvest has been affecting me and even my neighbours continuously culminating in me getting very low yields. Sometimes we could look at clouds and start planting only to realise that the rains were not coming and that the clouds were just passing”, he said.

Shanzu says that a visit to Wambui’s agrovet is what has transformed his farming and now he is able to use the KAOP application. I have been following the APP religiously since I got it, getting the right information and this has really helped me as I grow my beans, he says

“From my comfort, I can be able to press what County, Sub County and Ward where my farm is and be able to get weather predictions and advisory for the next 14 days and be able to plan without a problem” Shanzu noted.

Collins Kipchumba, an alumni of Daystar university and is also a farmer says the app can be of use to many farmers especially in terms of improving their yields. He however urged KALRO to ensure that all farmers know about the App especially since he noticed in his area, neighbours rely on him to check the information at the app as most of them do not have smartphones.


“The Biggest challenge might be a smart phone but even as they spread the word, I hope that they can be able to develop an app that will not need a smartphone and does not require data so that all farmers can benefit from it”, Kipchumba says

Stephen Muriithi, an Extension Officer in Nakuru acknowledged that their advice to farmers on good agriculture practices has really been boosted by the KAOP application.

“There was a huge gap in giving information due to the traditional methods being used by farmers on which time to plant, harvest or even spray insect side and most of them had on several times had to redo the planting because of the wrong timing”, he said

With the unpredictable climate change and the indigenous knowledge no longer working, Mureithi said that KAOP will and is a popular and sure tool for not only the extension officers but also for the farmers as it gives a basis of making decisions.

“It is simple to use for most farmers and for those a bit aged and cannot be able to download the App on their phones, one would not lack at least family member who has a smartphone and can assist in giving information,” Mureithi said.

Kibet Maina, Chief Officer for Agriculture in Nakuru County said as a county which solely relies on rain fed agriculture, the App is timely especially now that they are rooting for more young people to join Agriculture.

“Currently the average farmer is 60 years and above and this is not good. Without the youth we may not have a good succession plan when it comes to agriculture,” he said.