Picking the Right Hybrid


Can Farmers Use the Same Criteria When Picking the Right Nitrogen Source?

I’ve been hearing all the chatter of the field days showcasing the latest and greatest corn hybrids recently. Here are 8 factors farmers should consider before locking in their seed purchases for fall to ensure they get the most bang for their buck according to an article in “Successful Farming”.  I am using the 8 factors to discuss ESN.

  1. Yield – ESN gives you the best opportunity to maximize yields by controlling the release of nitrogen and supplying nitrogen when the crop needs it. ESN improves NUE (nitrogen use efficiency).
  2. Risk Management – ESN protects your nitrogen investment longer than any Enhanced Efficiency Fertilizer (EEF) available today and reduces the risk of loss to the environment.
  3. Hybrid Selection – ESN fits best where nitrogen loss is expected, like sandy or clay soils, and has the flexibility to be applied at different times and rates.
  4. Performance – ESN has the most consistent performance of any EEF for availability of nitrogen and especially over untreated nitrogen.
  5. Traits vs Conventional – Data shows that ESN pays for the price/acre difference and gives farmers the best opportunity to maximize yield,
    therefore maximize profit.
  6. Brand Loyalty – ESN has been used by farmers for over 15 years and farmer retention is very high. Once they use it, they’re hooked.
  1. Discounts – Think of ESN as nitrogen insurance. It has been proven that nitrogen is lost every year (how much is determined by weather, nitrogen source, and application), so why not insure that investment from loss.
  1. Seeding Rates – ESN should be 70% or higher of the total nitrogen required to help maximize yields and performs best in soils where nitrogen losses occur.

Check out our website, www.smartnitrogen.com, for more information, ROI calculator, and research data.